
How To Rock Your Client’s Experience

As a business owner, have you ever thought about elevating your clients’ experience?  What if I told you that not only can you blow away their minds but do it intentionally? Would you believe me?  Well…you better believe it!  I am about to show you how you can rock your clients’ experience in just a few simple steps.

Step 1: Make expectations truly clear!

One of the main things you must do to elevate that client experience is making them feel confident and knowledgeable about what your time working together is going to look like.  This means that you must be proactive in educating your clients on what is to come. Whether it’s an overview on your website or a quick introductory email, make your expectations clear from the very beginning.

My way of sharing my expectations is by scheduling a complimentary consultation call or zoom meeting (this is my favorite because I like to see who I am talking to).  This allows me to explain my process from beginning to end.  This breaks down exactly what they can expect from me and how they will receive it.  This also allows us to start building a relationship which makes the whole process easier.  During this call or video meeting, always leave time to hear out what your clients’ expectations are.

Step 2: Guide your clients through those expectations.

So, you have taken the time to present your expectations to your clients step-by-step.  Now you must follow through!  It does not cut it to talk the talk…you really must also walk the walk.  This will make a total difference in how your clients will see you and whether they recommend you to other people.  By following through with your own expectations, you are building trust with that client.  That is key to success!

Step 3: Under promise and always over deliver.

Overdelivering does not have to be this huge extravagant thing.  It can be as simple as creating a timeline for your client and delivering a couple of days early.  This is where the intentional part of this whole article comes into play.  Let’s say I am working on creating a timeline for my client.  I can confidently say that I can complete this project within 10 days, but I end up giving my client a two-week timeline.  This now gives me 4 days’ wiggle room for any roadblocks that I may encounter.  If nothing wrong happens throughout this project, then I can submit it four days early!  This tells the client that I just went above and beyond. 

As you now can see, creating a client experience that sets you apart from all your competitors does not have to be complicated.  Just pour your heart out into the process and be intentional with every client you come across.  Be apparent and guide them through the process because you are the professional.  Sometimes it can be scary sitting in the client’s seat; make sure they can trust you and your process.  Go ahead and rock it!

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