Effective cold marketing emails

Previously we’ve discussed how important networking is for a business. As part of our networking efforts, we need to become comfortable sending “cold” marketing emails.

Marketers send these to start a connection, for those living under a rock and who don’t know what a cold email is. Usually, these emails come off as spammy, but I will quickly show you how to personalize your emails to make the receiver want to respond!

So, what’s my secret?

Customize every single email, do your research, and ditch the email blast in the beginning! I know this may be some controversial advice but stick with me.

First, start with the mindset that you will be spending a bit of time on this one email. That is ok! If you are starting out, spending time to perfect the system may be a game-changer. Businesses (clients) probably get dozens of marketing email blasts a day. They will most likely ignore the generic and go with the one email they get that is personalized to them. Once you have determined who your target audience is, let’s take the time to get to know them a little bit.

Now is where the research stage begins to effectively create a marketing email.

Here you are going to look for any holes in their business that you can fill! This is the secret weapon for any cold calling. Depending on what you have to offer as a service, pay close attention to what could be improved.

For example, you are a social media manager for real estate agents. You notice that Alice the Realtor has a Facebook page but only posts once or twice a month during your search. This is an area of improvement you can bring up within your email. Pair this with ways that you can help, and you are sure to capture Alice’s attention.

Lastly, make sure you cater this message just for Alice. No generic emails here! Yes, this is the opposite of what you would hear from average marketers. For this very first batch, customize every single email until you get in a groove. Once you have all the basic steps down, you can start automating some of these emails; make sure you don’t lose that personalized touch.

In your marketing email, make sure you include:

Your name

What you offer

Where you found them

One area where you can help

Call to action

A warm closing statement

Now, let me show you an example of an effective marketing email:

Hello Alice,

My name is Ivelisse McBride. I am a Social Media Manager, and I came across your Facebook page a few days ago. 

I see that you are a realtor in the Summerville area. I have such love for all those old Victorian homes. That architecture would be a dream to visit daily. Lucky you!

Ultimately, I decided to reach out because when I was scrolling through your page, I noticed that you don’t post very often, even though it does seem like you are a very prominent agent in the area. This stood out because I specialize in social media management for real estate agents and know how much a solid social media presence can benefit your business.

I was looking at the statistics around your area. Did you know that you can estimate 600-800 more leads by consistently posting onto Facebook? By using the right hashtags and ads, you can increase that number to about 1,300! 

That’s a lot of leads to be missing out on!

I help real estate agents, such as yourself, create an online presence and generate leads. In addition, I help them set up post schedules, newsletters and help grow email lists with ideal clients.

If this is something you are interested in learning more about, I’d love to connect with you and learn more about how I can support you and your business.

If you’d like to learn more about me and take a look at all the services I offer, you can visit my website at www.ivelissemcbride.com. You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook.

I can’t wait to get to know you!

All the best,


Once you complete your email, have someone take a second look to make sure your email is free of spelling errors and clearly communicates how you can help them. Try not to overthink it and hit that send button!

I keep a spreadsheet and log all the contact information for each prospect to track the progress. 

I usually follow up within a couple of days, then again in a couple of weeks. If I get a positive response, I enter them into my CRM software to make sure they don’t fall through the cracks.

Make sure you consistently schedule cold email outreach even if you are booked. If you wait to do outreach, you’ll have gaps in your work and income. 

The time to start looking for new clients is BEFORE you need them. You may send dozen of emails without getting a single response. That is entirely normal. 

Just continue prospecting and sending emails as part of your monthly marketing strategy. Of course, the best-case scenario is you get too many responses and too much work, so don’t be afraid to always have feelers out there.

I have given you some fantastic tips and examples on how to rock your next cold email outreach. However, if you still feel like you could use a bit of help, McBride Virtual Assistant can start things off for you or take over your email marketing completely! Helping business owners succeed is our primary passion, so feel free to schedule a FREE consultation if you have any questions about hiring a virtual assistant to help with your marketing needs.

Find this post useful? Check out another one packed with amazing tips on the power of networking for your business.

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