Greetings, I’m Ivelisse, your friendly neighborhood Virtual Assistant since September 2020. You know, the year when we all collectively decided to shake things up a bit! Thanks to the twists and turns of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself at home, steering the ship of family life. As I adapted to this new normal, I realized it was the perfect moment to reassess my professional journey.

With over ten years in the dynamic field of sales and marketing, I’ve danced with small businesses, corporations, startups, and even those one-man-bands. But, as 2020 unfolded, so did my perspective on work. I became unwavering in my commitment to wear multiple hats – wife, mother, daughter, sister, and dedicated professional. And voila, McBride Virtual Assistant came into being!

Now, I’m on a mission, collaborating with passionate business owners who could use that extra pair of virtual hands to zero in on what truly matters to them. From translation to creating marketing content, I’m all about empowering businesses to hit that sweet spot of success. Seeing others flourish in life and business brings me immense joy, and if I can play a part in making that happen, consider it the cherry on top!

Thank you for swinging by my website. It means the world to me that you took a moment out of your day to explore what McBride Virtual Assistant is all about. Cheers to the exciting journey ahead!

Ivelisse McBride; Virtual Assistant, Marketing Content Creator, Researcher, Spanish Translator, Flexible Working Advocate, Mama to not-so-little humans, Wife to a Foreman, Fur/Feathered Mama to too many to count!