
Entrepreneurs and Mental Health

Being an entrepreneur is a rewarding journey, especially if your mission is to help others.
But unfortunately, burnout is very real. Have you ever heard of an entrepreneur who didn’t burn out? That’s what I thought!

Mental health affects how people think, feel, and behave at work. It affects everything from productivity, professional interactions, communication, and teamwork. As a business owner, you have to make your mental wellness one of your top priorities.

I thought it would be great to share some mental health practices. Let me know what you think!

Optimize Your Schedule

As an entrepreneur, your to-do list will always be never-ending! In reality, our brain works better when we have a short amount of time to get things done—limiting your working hours to 4 to 5 hours a week and challenging yourself to get as much as possible within these hours. Once these hours are completed, give yourself a break.

Yes, you heard that correctly! So step away from the office and go outside, try out a new hobby, or go to a concert. Live your life!

Be Kind To Yourself

There is nothing that will beat you down as fast as negative self-talk. I have fallen victim to this, and it’s not my finest moment. No matter how far you’ve come in business, if you are hard on yourself over every minor setback, you will lose focus on all the good you’ve completed. So take a deep breath and remind yourself of all your wins!

It’s easy sometimes to stop and think, “Is this even worth it?” The true answer will always be: Yes! It means you need to take a step back, be kind to yourself, and reevaluate your current situation.

Release Social Media and Get Back To The Real World

This one has been hard to follow, thanks to Covid-19, but it’s time we get away from our screens and back into the real world! Social media may be a significant part of our business for those of us who started during the pandemic. It’s easy to get caught up in the scrolling, and suddenly hours have passed by, and your day is almost over.

I challenge you to block off the time necessary for your business and only go on social media during this blocked time. You can take an extra step by deleting all the apps from your phone and only using your laptop or desktop during that blocked time for work-related social media management. Once this is completed, find new and exciting ways to start living in the real world again now that things are finally getting into some resemblance of normalcy.

Don’t Do It Alone And Talk To Other Entrepreneurs

Being a solopreneur is a badge of honor most of us wear, but should we be proud of it?
Not necessarily! Entrepreneurs are often isolated and rely only on themselves to follow up with potential customers or clients, automate email lists, publish YouTube videos, or schedule social media posts.

Reaching out to other entrepreneurs to talk about the issues your business is facing can be extremely helpful in working through your challenges instead of giving up on your business. When we normalize talking about our struggles, we find more ways to cope and realize that we don’t have to do it alone!

If you need any help setting these up, please feel free to reach out! Most importantly, I am an entrepreneur who is always open to lending a listening ear to anyone in need. I would love to hear from you!

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